Privacy Policy


At Get Update, you always come first. As a result, we do not publish, sell or rent any of your personal data to a third party without your consent.

The privacy practices of this statement apply exclusively to our services available under the domain and sub-domains of Red Pixels Ventures Limited and apply generally to our parent, affiliates, subsidiaries or joint venture websites. By visiting this website you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree please do not use or access our website.

By accepting the Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions Agreement while registering, you expressly consent to our use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is effective upon acceptance during registration and is otherwise effective upon carrying out any transaction with us for all users.

In the course of registering for and availing various services, we provide from time to time through our website (Website, telephone search, SMS, and WAP) or any other Media medium in which Red Pixels Ventures Limited may provide services you may be required to disclose your name, residence address, email address, telephone number, and similar Personal Information.

The Personal Information is used for two general purposes: to process your order, and to provide you with the best possible services. Unless otherwise stated explicitly, this Policy applies to Personal Information as disclosed on any of the Media.

In furtherance of the confidentiality with which we treat Personal Information we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect online. We use data collection devices such as “cookies” on certain pages of the Site to help analyze our web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety. "Cookies" are small files placed on your hard drive that assist us in providing our services. We offer certain features that are only available through the use of a "cookie". We also use cookies to allow you to enter your password less frequently during a session. Cookies can also help us provide information that is targeted to your interests. Most cookies are "session cookies," meaning that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive at the end of a session. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on the Site and you may be required to reenter your password more frequently during a session.

Additionally, you may encounter "cookies" or other similar devices on certain pages of the Site that are placed by third parties. For example, if you view a web page created by a user, there may be a "cookie" placed within that web page. We do not control the use of cookies by third parties.

If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us correspondence about your activities or postings on the Website, we may collect such information into a file specific to you.

We use third-party service providers to process purchases you make and to monitor our users' interests. In addition, the Website may occasionally contain links to Third-Party Sites. If you click on the links to Third-Party Websites, you leave the Website. We are not responsible for the content of these Third-Party Websites or for the security of your personal information when you use the Third Party Websites. These third-party service providers and Third-Party Sites may have their own privacy policies governing the storage and retention of your personal information that you may be subject to. They may collect information such as your IP address, browser specification, or operating system. This Privacy Policy does not govern personal information provided to, stored on, or used by these third-party providers and Third-Party Sites. We recommend that when you enter a Third-Party Site, you review the Third Party Site's privacy policy as it relates to safeguarding your personal information. We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit the Website. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address, or telephone number) about your visits to the Website and Third-Party Websites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you.

You acknowledge that you are disclosing Personal Information voluntarily. Prior to the completion of any registration process on our website or prior to availing of any services offered on our website if you wish not to disclose any Personal Information you may refrain from doing so; however if you don't provide information that is requested it is possible that the registration process would be incomplete and/or you would not be able to avail of the our services.